We are attempting to compile a list of all the known corporate landlords and property managers who use Landlord Credit Bureau.
We will not be publishing the details of small landlords and don’t feel there is a public interest in having their individual names made public.
Corporate landlords and property management firms we feel are fair to comment on. If you feel you have been listed here improperly please let us know at info@landlordcreditbureaufacts.com and we will work with you to ensure the record is correct.
LiveWell Property Management / LWPM – Hamilton, Ontario
Landlord Credit Bureau CEO Zac Killam is a partner in LiveWell Property Management.
They are believed to own 21 + properties in the Hamilton area.
LiveWell partners Zac Killam and Matt Christie own the building I live in through a numbered Ontario corporation:
Since being exposed by the media and becoming the subject of a Federal privacy investigation, LiveWell Properties have been scrubbing their already slim online presence. More to come on this but for now here is LiveWell abandoning its online portal and rental listings:

They appear to be rebranding to LWPM as all their old URLS redirect to a new Buildium portal:

They no longer list any of their available properties for rent on their website.
There are no known phone numbers for the company.
Email: manager@lwpm.ca
Vionell Holdings Partnership – Brandon, Manitoba

Vionell Holdings Partnership is a licensed multi-family, condominium property management firm that has operations in Brandon, Portage la Prairie, and Thompson, Manitoba. Our team of professionals manage the properties by providing excellent service in the areas of leasing, maintenance, budgeting and financial reporting.

Thorwin Properties – Winnipeg, Manitoba


Hanlyn Property Management – Hamilton, ON