CORRECTION: This post provides information about section 12.4 and 12.5 of the Consumer Reporting Act. It has come to our attention that although this provision has been passed by the legislature, it is not yet in force. This means the provision is not legally binding. The information below was presented based on the false assumption that section 12.4 and 12.5 were in force. We apologize to the Landlord Credit Bureau and to readers who may have relied on this information. We have posted a lengthier correction here. To be clear, the security freeze provisions are not currently in force and are not legally binding. The Landlord Credit Bureau by definition has not violated these provisions because they are not in force.
According to the Consumer Reporting Act Section 12.5 the Landlord Credit Bureau is required to publish consumer information about the security alert and security freeze processes on their website. Specifically the Act calls for descriptions of the processes and instructions for consumers on how they can request them.
However when we conducted a site wide search for the term “security freeze” using Google there was nothing to be found as of the publication of this post. Browsing their legal page and other resource pages on the site we could find no mention of alerts or freezes.

It’s certainly possible we are just not finding the page they are legally required to provide so if anyone can find this information we’d appreciate a link and will update the story with that link.
It is also possible this information is located somewhere inside the LCB site which users would have to sign in to their service to see. That said, tenants should not have to first create an account and accept terms of service before being able to access information about their legal rights involving that service.
If the LCB would like to we’d be happy if they linked tenants to our instructions for enacting a security freeze.